State of the Art with Old Fashioned Values
Innovations are constantly being introduced, and we work to be there with the supplies to keep them running—whether it's the latest equipment, or a reliable old workhorse. Shop Now
You get timely and friendly service, with free next day delivery in Calgary and surrounding area. We'll gladly set up a program to pick up empty cartridges when we deliver replacements.
Shop NowCheck out our one stop shop! Get the best price for quality products and service with a single click or call.
Shop NowWe strive to ensure that our quality helps clients keep running. And that extends to quality service—unconditional, 100% satisfaction guarantee.
Shop NowInnovations are constantly being introduced, and we work to be there with the supplies to keep them running—whether it's the latest equipment, or a reliable old workhorse. Shop Now
Backed by an unconditional guarantee of quality. We don't just refill cartridges; we replace the parts that make them work. Learn More
We can all do our part to help our environment, and this can benefit you too. Reduce the volume of new cartridges being made, and save time and money. Learn More
We also supply a full range of original manufacturer supplies, since some machines can only use new products, and some empty cartridges are not available in sufficient quantity to have a reliable supply of remanufactured units in stock.